Frontend , Backend & Full-stack Developer

I design and code beautifuly simple things and I love what I do.


Hello! I'm Hayat ilyas, a tech enthusiast skilled in building cool websites. I'm great at making things look awesome on the screen using React.js and creating the brains of the website with Node.js and Express.js.

I'm not just about the flashy stuff; I'm a problem solver too! When things get tricky, I know how to find solutions fast. Plus, I'm really good at talking with people. Clear communication is my thing. I make sure everyone involved knows what's going on every step of the way.

Whether it's making a website look amazing, giving it a smart brain, or solving any hiccups along the way, I'm here to turn your ideas into a fantastic online reality! Let's chat and make something awesome together!

Frontend Development

React js | JavaScript | Next js | Tailwind | TypeScript | Redux | Radix UI | Shadcn UI

I thrive on creating engaging and responsive user interfaces. My proficiency in React.js,Next js and Tailwind csss allows me to build dynamic and intuitive UIs that enhance the overall user experience.

Backend Development

Node js | Express js | Mongodb | Postgres

I am well-versed in Node.js and Express.js, harnessing their power to build high-performance server applications. My focus is on developing robust APIs that seamlessly connect the frontend with the backend, ensuring smooth data flow and optimal system functionality.

Api Development

REST API | Pagination | Searching | Filter | Authutentication | Authorization

I specialize in API development, emphasizing RESTful architecture. My skills include rate limiting, secure efficient pagination,secure authentication and ensuring optimal performance. Precise authorization control adds an extra layer of security and functionality.

Some Things I've built



A blogging plateform similar to medium where users can write their thoughts and ideas.

I developed a robust blogging platform named WriteDaily, similar to . With a focus on user experience and performance optimization, I optimized search functionality by leveraging PostgreSQL's full-text search with GIN indexing, reducing article search time by 17%. Additionally, I implemented efficient image processing using Busboy and Cloudinary, ensuring smooth image uploads with proper validation.

The platform also boasts nested comment functionality for enhanced engagement, alongside a user-friendly WYSIWYG editor powered by Slate.js. With markdown support, code block highlighting, and image resizing, WriteDaily empowers users to create compelling content effortlessly.

React.js | Next.js | JavaScript | Tailwind CSS | Cloudinary | Shadcn UI | Node.js | Express.js | TypeScript | Docker | Drizzle ORM | Postgres


A Featured Project

Noteverse is a versatile and intuitive note-taking and task management application designed to simplify and enhance your digital note-taking can effortlessly capture and organize your ideas, thoughts, and important information in a seamless and efficient manner.

This is a full stack web app built with modern technology. It is user friendly and easy to use, light and dark mode are supported.Image uploading , table intgeration,Emoji, short cut for editing notes etc are supported.

React.js | Next.js | Slate.js | Shadcn UI | Radix UI | TypeScript | Next-auth | Tailwind CSS | Node.js | Express.js | Prisma | Postgress | Cloudinary


Ecommerce Dashboard

A Featured Project

This is an E-commerce Dashboard built using React, Tailwind CSS, Vite, Redux, and Chart.js. The dashboard provides various features for managing products, orders, and transactions. It also includes a chat functionality and supports light and dark themes. Authentication is implemented for secure access to the dashboard.

Provides a comprehensive overview of the store's performance with visually appealing charts, including order charts displaying metrics such as total orders, revenue, and order status, as well as a transaction donut chart visualizing the distribution of transactions by date.

React.js | Chart.js | JavaScript | Tailwind CSS | Cloudinary | Redux


A Featured Project

This is a full stack multi vendor an e-commerce web application built using modern web technologies such as React, Redux, and Material UI. The app provides a seamless user experience for browsing and purchasing products online.

The user can filter and sort the products by price, rating, and name using the filter controls on the product listing page.Advance add to cart functionality has been added from changing producti varient to add and remove product from the cart.The app supports online payments using credit/debit cards with Strip.

The app displays a list of similar products on the product details page, which are products that are similar in category, style, or price to the current product.

React.js | Node.js | Express.js | Nodemailer | Strip | Redux | Tailwind CSS | Mongodb | | Cloudinary



A Featured Project

Chit-Chat is a modern web application built with TypeScript, Next.js, MongoDB, Tailwind CSS, Node.js, and ShadcnUI. It offers a seamless chatting experience with advanced features such as authentication, live chat messaging, online/offline status, typing status, attachment support, and emoji support for both private and group chats.

This is chat app filled with lots of features such typing status, attachment support with most of the file type just png,webp,jpeg,jpg, docs,pdf etc. Online and offline status of the user,private and group chat , dark mode support. Real-time messaging for instant communication between users.

React.js | Node.js | Express.js | Tailwind CSS | Mongodb | Cloudinary | TypeScript | Shadcn UI | Radix UI | ImageMagic | Graphicsmagic | Socket.js | Next.js

Contact me

I'm here

I am always open for a discussion of your project.

Let's Talk.

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